Friday, November 18, 2011

Unaware Squat of 11.18.2011

I've told my husband it's his job to start taking pictures of me on the sly so I can see my alignment. Here's one from this morning out in the snow (in my jammies, with bedhead, but hey, the kids were so excited to get out there, I just went with it). What I notice right off is how tucked my pelvis is, which I think is still happening because my hammies and hip flexors are still way tight.Also noticing how my shins are not even close to perpendicular to the ground, much closer to parallel to the ground!!

Now take a look at this squatting preggo momma of 8 months, Katy Bowman of course.

Nice, right? But the real point is that I got into my version of a squat without any pain, with complete balance and it's actually a lot better then it has been for a long we are looking at and marking my progress, both how far I've come and how far I get to go! I'm excited, actually.

That's all for this post, just want to document it more for myself. But it sure was fun to be able to be out there pain free and share the joy of snow with my children.

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